Sustainable solutions - Articles

Meals On Wheels 

2021 – Target (f): “Substantially enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030”: UNISDR’s THE SENDAI SEVEN CAMPAIGN - 7 Targets, 7 Years (2016-2022) ... Read more

Sustainable human-wildlife conflict

Increasing human footprint is decimating habitat and wildlife leading to unsustainable human wildlife conflict the world over. This often manifests as crop raiding elephants and wild boars, bears and crocodiles attacking man... Read more

Excerpts from a journalist’s Diary August 1999

I recently had occasion to visit a slum. The visit was organised by the Environmental Support Group in Bangalore as part of a residential environmental camp. It was a devastating experience in that it was a real eye opener for most of us…Read more

Digital Discourse Foundation's MOD Documentaries