Maya Jaideep - CV
Over 30 years of experience in television, trained in basic television production at the Film & Television Institute of India, Pune. Also produced several independent documentaries, apart from working in the print media.
Experience in Documentaries / Promotional Films:
Produced Documentaries on:
Agriculture and
Social Service Organizations
Gender issues
Produced Promotional films for:
Social Issues
Corporate Films
Experience in Television:
Worked in Doordarshan News for 15 Years from 1988 – 2004 as a National News Correspondent
Involved in making music, women & youth related programs on Doordarshan between 1983 and 1986
Worked with Siddarth Kak and Anupam Kher in their Home Productions
Experience in Print Journalism:
Worked in Deccan Herald as a Sub-Editor
Worked in Femina as a Reporter
Worked in Times of India as Sub-Editor cum Reporter
Worked for a private Travel Magazine as an Editor
Highlights in Career:
Anchored News related Programs both in English and Hindi for Doordarshan National Channel, notably during Elections, the Iraq war and other important occasions
Voiced over various documentaries produced by Doordarshan
Accompanied VVIPs like the Prime Minister and the Vice President of India to China, East Europe, Egypt and Maldives, to cover their visit
Among the major events covered are the SAARC Summit at Maldives and the G.18 Summit at Cairo
Covered Bill Clinton’s visit to India, live from Hyderabad
Covered General and State Elections for the National Channel since 1989, including the Sonia – Sushma clash in Bellary in 1998
Other major events like floods, riots, the Cauvery water sharing issue, Rajiv Gandhi’s assassin Sivarasan’s capture at Bangalore and dreaded bandit, Veerappan’s deeds have been covered by me
My main interest has been Environment and Wildlife – notably the revival of lakes and wildlife at Bandipur and Nagarahole National Parks, concentrating on the “man – elephant” conflict.
We have worked on films on health, environment, gender issues and corporate films.
In my stint as a documentary film maker, my company “Infact Films” has endeavoured to produce films of social relevance and attempted to bring about a change in society. We have been able to save green, fertile zones from becoming industrial townships, saved the bears of Daroji from losing their homes, highlighted the issues of farmers suicides besides focusing on illegal mining in Karnataka. We say it with pride today that we have succeeded in all these missions.
Member of the Jury for documentaries and nonfiction films in the National Film Festival of India
Chairperson of the Selection Committee for serials in Doordarshan.
Training in Television:
Training in basic News production, Documentaries and Short Films at FTII, Pune
Training in News reporting and Studio production at Central Production Centre, Doordarshan, New Delhi
Training in News production by AIBD, Malaysia at Trivandrum
Studied Television in the United States as an International Visitor on invitation from the United States Information Se
Educational Qualifications:
B.A. (English) Hons. from Delhi University
M.A. (English) from Mysore University
Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bangalore
Languages known:
English, German, Hindi, Kannada & Telugu
Prof. M. Abdul Rehman Pasha - CV
B.Sc. (Physics/Maths)
M.A. (Linguistics)
P.G. Dip-in-Translation,
Dip-in-Journalism and Mass Communication
P.G.Dip. in English Language Teaching
Diploma in Creative Writing in English
Formal Training in:
Fine Arts Appreciation
Radio Programme Production
Film Appreciation
Film Teaching
Videography and Video Editing
Formal Services:
Program Executive, All India Radio – (9 yrs)
Asst. Director, Dept. of Kannada and Culture Govt. of Karnataka– (2 Yrs)
Research Assistant, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore – (3 yrs)
Member: Kannada Development Authority, Govt. of Karnataka
Feature Films and Documentaries:
Chandana Chiguru: Direction, Story, Screenplay and Dialogue
Anishchita – Direction, Screenplay and Dialogue
Chukki Chandrama: Screenplay (Best Screenplay Award)
Nakkala Rajakumari: Associate Direction, Story, Screenplay and Dialogue
Writing and Directing: Over 240 Documentaries and Educational Films for various Govt. and non-Govt. organizations (in Kannada, English and Hindi).
Film Teacher since about three decades-taught more than 200 film appreciation, film script writing, film making, film acting and film directing courses with Mangalore University, Bangalore University and various other Film Institutes in Bangalore.
Under Karnataka Chalanacitra Academy, conducted 100 hour training in ‘Screenplay Writing’, resulting into 23 screenplays in Kannada written by the participants.
Designed, material produced and directed Film Appreciation Trainers’ Training Project fo KCA, resulting into Film Appreciation Text Book, Training Manual, Set of PPts in Kannada.
Conducted several Audio Video Program Production workshops for different target groups.
Awards and Acclamations:
Honored with about TEN State, National and International Awards and Acclamations for his Media, Literary and Social Work, which include:
Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award (1987) (Cinema mattu Prekshaka)
Four State level Awards (2014) (Nambike Mudhanambike Vaijnanika manovritti)
Karnataka Sahitya Academy, GoK, Bangalore.
Karnataka Sangha, Shimoga, Best Muslim Writer Award in the name of P.Lankesh; and
Barguru Ramachandra Trust Award and
Kavyananda Prashasti
Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award (2016) for “Allahninda Nirakritaru” (Best Translation)
Ku.Vem.Pu. Bhashabharathi Pradhikara (Govt. of Karnataka) State Award (2010) for Best Translation for the book “Bandaya 1857” (Pub: NBT, New Delhi)
Karnataka State Best Book on Implementation of Kannada in Administration Award (1987)– Department of Kannada and Culture, Government of Karnataka
G.P.Rajaratnam (Kannada Sahitya Parishat) award for children’s literature- Drama: Beledavaru (1985)
Dr.H.N. Endowment Book Award (KaSaPa) award for “Makkalalli Vaijnanika Manovritti, Poshakara Javabdaari”
Films, Radio etc.
Karnataka State Best Screen Play award 1991-92 (Chukki Chandrama)
"Best Program for General Audience Citation" in 13th UGC-CEC Educational Video Awards (2001) for "Keshava Temple in Somanathapura",
First in ‘Honorable Mention’ Category- Film “Courage in Close-up”- Appropriate Technology International (Washington) (1995)
Aryabhata Award (1996) - Best Documentary Film Director – Happy Childhood-My Birth Right- for UNICEF)
Akashavani National Award, “Iddu Jayisabeku Nana Kanda” A radio feature against female foeticide.
Karnataka State Science Communicator Award – (2010-11) Vision Group for Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka
Karnataka State Environment Award – (2000-01) Department of Forest and Ecology, Government of Karnataka
Media Education Award (1998) was conferred on him by Sandesha Cultural Foundation, Mangalore.
ShikshanaShree Award, Pustaka Chilume, Dharawada, for service to school children.
Member of the prestigious committees such as:
Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishat, Bangalore North Urban Dist. – Vice-President.
Secretary – Karnataka Vaijnanika Manovritti Andolana (Presently)
Vice-President, Karnataka Rationalist Association (Presently)
Film Awards Committee (for thrice- 1993-94 and 2001-02, 2010-11)
Central Board of Film Certification, Bangalore Reg.(2006-08)
Karnataka Nataka Academy
Doordarshan's Panel to review and recommend films for telecast on DD, Bangalore.
Other Positions
Teaching Journalism, Mass Communication, Electronic Media, Media and Advertising related subject to PG students of various colleges and Universities like Bangalore, Mangalore, Kannada and Symbiosis Institute etc.
Author of over 40 books in English and Kannada, primarily on media and communication; scientific temperament.
Has translated three books for NBT and Navakarnataka Publications and Thousands of pages of development communication material between English-Kannada-Hindi
Did pioneering work in the field of propagating Community Radio Movement in the State : Written books like, 1. ‘Samudaya Radio’ 2. ‘Samudaya Radio: Hejjegalu mattu Gurigalu’ and 3. ‘Samudaya Radio: Sugama Sthapane, Nirvahane, Susthirate’ for Information Department; ‘Samudaya Radio: Karyakrama Nirmana mattu Nirvahane’ for BECIL and ‘Community Radio: People’s Voice’ and “Narrowcasting” for VOICES; and also conducted number of radio program making workshops enabling various target groups in community radio broadcasting.
Instrumental in starting ‘Kelu-Sakhi’ weekly community radio program by illiterate dalith agri-labor women in Mysore district, being broadcast in collaboration with Gyan Vani, Mysore under KSOU.
Master Trainer of National Repute in Designing and Conducting need based workshops in Language, Communication and Media related skills.
Consultant for several NGOs in Community Radio Movement and Practice, Communication and Media related matters.
Has designed conducted innumerable training workshops in media and communication shills.
The Institutions and Organizations professionally associated with :
PANOS, South Asia, Kathmandu,
Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad
CEE-South-Dept. of State Educational Research and Training
National Law School of India University, Bangalore
Azim Premji Foudation, Bangalore
Karnataka Chalanacitra Academy, Bangalore
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore
Universities: Bangalore, Mangalore, Kannada, KLE, Symbiosis
Dr.Manibhai Desai Management Institute, PUNE
BAIF Development Research Foundation, PUNE
BAIF Institute for Rural Development in Karnataka
BAIF Institute for Rural Development in Uttar Pradesha
Family Planning Association of India, Mumbai
AVRC, Mysore
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, Bangalore,
Centre for Symbiosis of Technology Environment and Management
District Primary Education Project, Karnataka,
Directorate of State Educational Research and Training, Karnataka
Karnataka Nataka Academy
Dept. of Information and Public Relations, Bangalore
All India Radio, Karnataka
VOICES, Bangalore
Zoology Teachers Forum-Bangalore University
Voluntary Health Association of Karnataka.
Santvana – Family Counseling Centre.